Business Blazer Myth?

Have you ever applied for your ideal job then day dreamed about what it would be like WHEN you are offered that job? I have without a doubt….it was followed by disappointment when I learned the company knew who they wanted to hire before even posting the information. Unfortunately, I have learned there is an increasing number of employers looking more at whom you know rather than what you know. So for the past four years I have taught at schools where I have learned a lot about humility and patients. Thankfully, I have been blessed to work alongside many amazing teachers who I have learned so much from and have made life long friendships with.

Now back to that dream job thought. About a week before Christmas I was surprised to hear of an opening. This opportunity just happened to be the same position that the somebody who knew somebody got. (I hope that makes since to someone) So I went out on a limb, applied again and got a call for an interview! My first thought; what am I going to wear???

Now the big debate amongst many of my friends, colleges, and bloggers was to always wear a business blazer. I do understand their point. It is very business formal. It shows you are professional, can take charge of your responsibilities and are generally a clean/ well maintained adult. However the idea that this is a one-size fits all scenario I believe is a myth! I am no fashion diva by any means. Hello my name is Beth and I am a curvy girl who dresses for comfort. Never the less, I couldn’t shake the feeling that a blazer is not physically or mentally comfortable for me. I kept an open mind and went to several stores to try on outfits that I was told where best practice. Lets just say it wasn’t happening. Finally at my last stop I was determined to make SOMETHING work. Again I grabbed a few blazers, sweaters, slacks and then BAM! My eye was drawn to a high display manikin dressed in a floor length, black lace maxi and a tope leather jacket. Trusting the advice of the store consultant I didn’t try on the display outfit. However, after 10 plus attempts to put together interview suitable attire I decided to go against her opinion and try it on. And then I felt ON TOP OF THE WORLD! I felt like I could breathe. Move. Interview for my dream job and WIN! So I ignored the sinking feeling of a possible interview fashion faux pas and buy the whole outfit right off the manikin. (Scarf and all!)

So the question is: Are blazers a must when interviewing for a job?
I definitely think it is all dependent on the position you are applying for. Now if you are interviewing for a career opportunity at a large corporate business, then yes, you better suck it up sister and put on that business blazer and A-line skirt! For the rest of us women, I believe we have some leeway with what we can wear. NO you do not HAVE to wear a blazer. Of course please follow the general rules of interviewing:

1. Be Clear.
Let the potential employer know that you are enthusiastic about their company! Answer their questions appropriately and be sure to relate your skills to the job responsibilities you would have. Also, be clear on what exactly you are getting yourself into. The 3 sentence ad in the news paper is not the job description! So ask. I know the pressure of an interview can make you forget but it is so important to clarify what your specific job responsibilities will entail. It will also further show your interest in position. I once had an interview for a company I had worked for several years in the past. The very professional and personable interviewer asked me to tell her about myself (a typical first question, speak wisely) and then followed that casual conversation with

“Let me tell you about this job. This is a full time position. Your yearly salary is $$ (low). You will be working afternoons and most weekends. This job may require you to just come in when regular programs need planning and are scheduled. There is no set hours you will be scheduled or how long your responsibilities will take. Is this something you are interested in?”

On record that was the shortest interview I have ever had! (7 Minutes) We politely shook hands and she walked me out. Most importantly we were both clear on what we wanted.

2. Come Prepared.
Bring that resume, reference letter and even a portfolio if applicable to the interview. If it is a panel style interview bring five copies to share. For some positions such as cook or welder bring the equipment you will need to demonstrate you skills. Also be aware of general interview questions such as “Why do you want to work for this company? ” “What do you know about our company?” Or the even pressing question that I drew a blank on. ” Why should we even continue to offer the program you are wanting to teach? It’s not required.” Be prepared to answer even vague questions so you don’t have that awkward hesitation before each statement. Prepare a professional repose to “So tell me about yourself” before entering that interview room.

3. Act and look professional.
No matter what type of job you are interviewing for sit up, make eye contact, speak clearly and keep all distractions in the car or at home. (ie. phone, electronics, children) Dress accordingly. Even if you are applying for a position scooping dog poo from a park, wear black or kaki slacks and a nice top. Make sure you are comfortable so you don’t appear to be tense but that doesn’t mean show up in sweat pants. Wear clothes that fit your body properly and save the cleavage for the club! If you feel and look good you will have the confidence to conquer even the toughest of interrogations.

So here is the jacket and maxi skirt that helped win me my I know nobody dream job! Add a basic gray top, cute waste belt and a fashionable scarf and there you have my blazer alternative, interview outfit. MYTH BUSTED!

Love this store and its wide range of styles and sizes. You can find this outfit and more at Maurices




Good luck future professional! You got that interview in the bag!

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